Trade agreements have been a losing proposition for India as far as non-tyre rubber products are concerned. Small & Medium Rubber units have been at the receiving end of a barrage of cheap import of finished rubber goods over the last few years as a result of trade agreements leading to high trade deficit. The new study supports our case for a relook at the trade agreements as the non-tyre rubber industry has been adversely affected”, said Niraj Thakkar, President, AIRIA.
He said that the association asked the Government to either include non-tyre rubber goods in negative list in these trade agreements or provide trade protection in terms of safeguard duty. In fact natural rubber, the key raw material for rubber industry is in the negative list in many such trade agreements.
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Rubber industry is dominated by around 6000 micro, small and medium sized manufacturing units in different clusters across the country.
According to AIRIA, stiff import duties on raw materials have eroded the competitiveness of rubber industry. Safeguard Duty on finished rubber products will provide a level playing field to the domestic manufacturers, particularly SMEs.
Quoting Capexil data, AIRIA has stated that the import duty on raw materials is highest in India when compared to neighbouring rubber product manufacturing countries. For instance import duty on Natural Rubber in China is 10% as against 20% or Rs 30 per Kg in India. On Natural Rubber Latex the import duty is 70% in India while it is just 10% in China. Similarly in case of Synthetic Rubbers such as SBR and PBR the import duty is 7.5% in China as against 10% in India.
On the other hand, the import duty on finished rubber goods is lowest in India when compared to other rubber consuming nations facilitating import of goods to India. For instance on tubes, pipes and hoses, the import duty in China is 10% and above, in India, these can be imported even as low as 6%. Rubber Rice De-husking Rolls, widely used in rice mills across the country, can be imported duty free in India while China employs up to 80% duty.
As a result, overall import of rubber products in India has gone up 100% from Rs 3810 crore to Rs 7608 crore in three years between 2009-10 to 2012-13.
The finished products can be easily imported as the import duty on rubber products is between 0 to 10%, while the duty on raw materials for rubber industry is between 5 to 70%.
Trade Deficit in Non-tyre rubber products with ASEAN, Korea & Japan
FY09 651 Cr
FY10 987 Cr
FY11 1207 Cr
FY12 1735 Cr
FY13 1725 Cr
[Source – Ministry of Commerce]