The Bank of England froze the assets of 19 people early today, naming them as people arrested in connection with an alleged terror plot to bomb British passenger jets."On the advice of the police and security services, the treasury has instructed the Bank of England to issue notices to effect a freeze of the assets of a number of individuals arrested in yesterday's operations," a Treasury statement said.Most of those named in the list were London residents, and many bore Muslim names. Scotland Yard had no immediate comment.The bank released the following names: Abdula Ahmed Ali, Cossor Ali, Shaza Khuram Ali, Nabeel Hussain, Tanvir Hussain, Umair Hussain, Umar Islam, Waseem Kayani, Assan Abdullah Khan, Waheed Arafat Khan, Osman Adam Khatib, Abdul Muneem Patel, Tayib Rauf, Muhammed Usman Saddique, Assad Sarwar, Ibrahim Savant, Amin Asmin Tariq, Shamin Mohammed Uddin.The oldest person on the list, Shamin Mohammed Uddin, is 35. The youngest, Abdul Muneem Patel, is 17.