The return of Uma Bharti to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has triggered a tug of war for the Madhya Pradesh chief minister's chair between Bharti and MP Chief Minister Babulal Gaur. |
While it is no secret that Bharti wants to be chief minister again, and that Gaur is unwilling to let go of the chair himself, the war intensified after Sunil Nayak, a Bharti supporter, was dismissed from the Cabinet for demanding he return as chief minister. |
According to a Bharti supporter, Nayak was dismissed to provoke Bharti into another "undisciplined outbreak". "She is an emotional person. By removing Nayak, Gaur is trying to impact her re-entry into the party," he said. |
But Bharti seems to be on a sound wicket, as she is likely to be projected in a big way during the Bihar Assembly elections. According to a source in the RSS, Bharti did not say anything wrong really. But the way she said it had to be answered with some disciplinary action. |
There are issues, which the top brass in the party have to address." Bharti's supporters feel it is only a matter of time before she returns to MP, yet the confidence with which Gaur has removed Nayak belies this hope. |
In fact, soon after his appointment as chief minister, Gaur had initiated a probe into road repair projects initiated by Bharti and admitted that there was a large-scale appropriation of money. |
Running helter skelter are the other ministers and senior Madhya Pradesh leaders who have resorted to religious rituals to bring about "political peace". A "havan" was organised in Bhopal, with the ostensible purpose of "establishing peace" in state's political landscape. |
According to senior leader Captaan Singh Solanki, "we have organised the havan for peace in the state, the are storms brewing everyone knows that, but we are hoping that a disciplined solution will be found," he said. |
Other leaders, after Nayak's dismissal have decided to hold their peace till the Bihar assembly polls are through. |
"You wait and see, in another four months Uma didi is going to be back as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh," said a suporter, a minister of state in Gaur's present government. |