Lauding Chief Minister Narendra Modi for making Gujarat an attractive investment destination, the US-India Business Council (USIBC) has said that an executive mission from America will participate in the January 11-13 'Vibrant Gujarat 2013' trade show in Gandhinagar. The USIBC is seeking participation from Corporate America for the event and promises a meeting with the Chief Minister for the delegation. USIBC's executive mission will comprise senior business executives representing a broad range of sectors.
"Under Chief Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, the state of Gujarat has emerged as one of the most attractive investment destinations for American businesses seeking a predictable regulatory environment, a highly skilled technical and multilingual workforce, and established basic, yet critical infrastructure," the USIBC said. "As an executive mission delegate, you will participate in a roundtable on US success stories in Gujarat and the role of the US in Gujarat's future; a delegation meeting with Chief Minister Narendra Modi, meetings with senior Gujarat government officials, business-to-business interactions and reception and access to senior representatives from 12 other Indian state governments," it said on its website. USIBC is an official 'Partner Organisation' to Vibrant Gujarat 2013.