Yeddyurappa also created a stir saying that he would be following the "Gujarat model" of development for his state going so far as to say that he would be sending a delegation headed by a minister to study development projects in Gujarat. When asked whether this was the "Modi model" Yeddyurappa said that it was the "Atal Behari Vajpayee model of development."
Pointing out that BJP had won an unprecedented 17 out of the 28 assembly seats in Bangalore city, he said that a special thrust would be given for the capital of Karnataka. "It will be developed into a global city in the true sense with the infrastructural facilities of global standards," he said, adding that his government would come out with a special agenda for Bangalore infrastructure development very soon.
Significantly he said that one of his top priorities would be to take up corruption cases of the previous governments. "Immediately I will take up the issue of corruption. I will give top priority (to it). I am not going to tolerate corruption," Yeddyurappa, said.
At the same time, Yeddyurappa said his government believed in following the path of cooperation instead of confrontation. He lashed out at JD(S), led by former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda, for the "unethical political activities" denying him the opportunity to hold chief ministership for 20 months under a power sharing agreement.