Letters and e-mails are a passe' and blog is the new technology in the hands of the Chief Electoral Officer to communicate with poll officials in West Bengal.
Www.Ceowestbengal.Blogspot is the blog address through which Debashis Sen, the Chief Electoral Officer of West Bengal, is keeping in touch with his 500 staff entrusted with the job of conducting elections in the state.
"In a bureaucratic hierarchy it is impossible for a junior officer to speak to me directly and it takes a lot of time when he comes through proper channel. Through the blog I can directly communicate with the junior officers and instruct them properly," Sen explained.
The blog, he said, had helped him give instructions quickly and also enabled him to inspire the junior officers.
Giving an example, Sen said on March 19 a political party had pleaded with him to allow use of school and college grounds for holding election meetings after classes were over.
On March 21, a post on the blog from the CEO says the rules for holding poll meetings on the grounds of educational institutions had been relaxed.
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The CEO is also occasionally taking help of SMS.
"On coming to know of a graffiti on the walls of government building at Burdwan on March six, I sent an SMS to the district magistrate of Burdwan directing a notice be issued by three p.M. Stating that either the party erases the writing within 24 hours or else an FIR would be filed. By 3 pm the same day, a photo of a cleaned wall was e-mailed to me".
A post on the blog that day reads: "Well done Manish Jain!! Is everybody seeing? How about our own district MCC squads, are they seeing?"
Similarly, another post praised Hooghly district magistrate, Neelam Meena, for intervening and stopping Model Code of Conduct violations in at least two cases.
Earlier he had told Meena through another post which read, "DM Hoogly> Maintaining MCC Violation Register party-wise>sending reports daily to me, from first date of press release>"
"Well done Neelam Meena. Are other DMs seeing?" says another post.