The West Bengal e-district project through video conferencing was inaugurated by chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee at Writers’ Building today.
In phase-I, the project will be implemented on pilot basis in Bankura and Jalpaiguri. The salient feature of the project is that its focus on enabling software and computer-based network connectivity between districts and Writers’ Building. The service will also enable the removal of paper-based formalities for sending applications.
“The project is advantageous to the overall development of the state, given the fact that the software has been designed such that an officer will know the status of all pending applications. It also removes the burden of physical presence of the applicant,” said minister of state for Information Technology (IT) Debesh Das at the inauguration.
E-governance kiosks (Tathyamitra) to be set up in districts will help citizens in applying for online services. On completion, these will be delivered to the concerned official quickly.
Services to be included in the e-district programme include certificates-both income and domicile, pension, licences, right to information (RTI), and small and medium scale industry, among others.