Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said the UPA would talk to its partners before revisiting disinvestment, which had been put on hold due to difference in the ruling coalition.Asked about the government's position on disinvestment in view of opposition by its Left allies, Singh said here "it is certainly true that because of certain differences among the partners of UPA, I had to put that process on hold."We will talk to our colleagues before we move forward in that direction (disinvestment)," he said at the end of a party chief ministers' conclave.The government had put on hold disivnestment proposals after the UPA coalition partner DMK threatened to pull out in case the central government went ahead with the sale of equity in the Neyveli Lignite Corporation and NALCO.Earlier this month, Finance Minister P Chidambaram had regretted that the purpose of disinvestment was "misunderstood" and said it was now up to the Prime Minister to take a decision on the issue.