The labour ministry has proposed a slew of welfare measures, including notifying minimum monthly pension of Rs 1000 for Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) subscribers, in its 100 days action plan.
This decision was taken by the Cabinet in February and the pensioners were to get a benefit from 1 April this year, however, due to the model code of conduct, this couldn't be implemented.
The ministry will also notify the increase in wage-ceilings to Rs 15,000 per month from the present Rs 6,500. This covers the organised sector workers under the EPFO ambit.
Along with this, the agenda includes sending proposal to Cabinet for various labour law reforms like amendments in Factories Act, 1948, Mines Act, 1948, Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988.
The ministry has already uploaded the proposals to the Factories Act and Minimum Wages Act over the website and invited public opinion on the same. The Factories Act amendments relate to working conditions, workers' safety and gender parity and the proposed changes in the Minimum Wages Act calls for a statutory National Floor Level Minimum Wages and covering all the employment under the Act.
The ministry will finalise the inspection policy of the chief labour commissioner organisation by June this year and the compliance of the new inspection policy will be brought into effect from 1 October. The ministry will also notify a revised inspection scheme within a week. The aim would be "to achieve the objective of simplifying business regulations and for bringing in transparency and accountability in labour inspections."
It has also mooted to amend the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 "in context of implementation of National Manufacturing Policy" by holding consultations with trade unions, employers' association and various ministries.