Bihar Board likely to announce Class 10 results today

Around 15 lakh students had appeared for the Class 10 exam this year

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Photo: Shutterstock
Sagar Mavani
Last Updated : Jun 20 2017 | 1:40 PM IST
Class 10 students of Bihar have been keeping their finger crossed as the BSEB (Bihar School Education Board) is expected to announce the exam results today. The Class 10 exams happened in the state in the first week of March this year.

The sources say that the results would be released today. Around 15 lakh students had appeared for the Class 10 exam this year.

How to Check the Results:
  • Go to the official site visit the Results page here)
  • Click on the Class 10 Results
  • Provide your details such as Roll Code, Roll Number and hit the Find Results button.
The Board is hoping to see higher passing percentage compared to the previous two years. In 2016, the results were declared on May 29 (Sunday) and the passing percentage was just 28 compared to 75.17 in 2015. Such a sharp dip had left the Board in an utter shock. “The results are not as expected. But, this result shows the actual merit of our students. Those who have passed will be able to clear national level competitive exams as against those who used to pass because of cheating or other unfair means,” the then education minister Ashok Choudhary said. After a photo of mass cheating during exams surfaced in the social media in 2015, the education authorities had installed CCTV cameras and set up security personnel at the exam centres in 2016.

Controversies In the State:

The state of Bihar had faced a number of controversies of exams cleared through unfair means. The result of Class 12 board exam (held between February 14 and February 25) was announced with only 30.11 students clearing the exams. Only 37.1 per cent students in Arts cleared the exam and 73.76 in Commerce which was better than the former. Ganesh Kumar (Arts) had scored 82.6 per cent. However, it was brought to light that Kumar had lied about his age to the authorities and knew nothing about the subject he had taken in the exam. Similarly, in 2015, the topper of Class 12 Ruby Rai could not pronounce Political Science and said that the subject had something to do with cooking.

The Board may declare the Class 12 today on its website. You can check the official Notifications here.
About the Bihar Board:

The BSEB or Bihar School Examination Board was established in 1952 under Section 3 of Bihar School Examination Board Act – 1952 under the Government of Bihar. It conducts examinations at secondary and senior secondary level in both government and private schools belonging to state of Bihar. The exam syllabus is determined by the Government of Bihar. Generally the Board conducts exams in the month of February/March and Supplementary School Examination in the month of August/September. Also it conducts various departmental examinations such as Diploma in Physical Education, Certificate in Physical Education and Teachers Training Examination.

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