Kendriya Vidyalaya recruitment exam results out

The interviews will be held on May 22, 23 and 24, 2017

Kendriya Vidyalaya recruitment exam results out
Trupti Ramball
Last Updated : May 08 2017 | 1:35 PM IST
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) recently announced the results for the written examination conducted on January 7 and 8, 2017. The list of candidates selected for the interview round have been announced on the KVS website and will also be out on Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) website 

Recruitment drive 

In September 2016, KVS issued a notification announcing recruitment drive for central government schools to appoint 6025 teaching staff. CBSE had conducted the written exam for the post of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) and Primary Teachers (PRTs) on January 7 and Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) and PRT (Music) on January 8, 2017. Candidates can download the results from the official website. The reporting time is mentioned beside the names of the candidates selected.

How to download the results 

Candidates will also be intimated about the same through e-mail / SMS. However, candidates are advised to download the letter of interview and other relevant documents including bio-data, undertaking form for preference of posting zone wise, NOC/Service/Vigilance Certificate and OBC certificate (If needed) from KVS website under Employment Notice/Interview Notice tab.

Steps-by-step guide on how to download the result:

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Click on the link List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGTs in KVS, or List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of PGTs in KVS, or List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of PRT in KVS from the left hand side scroll on the home page
  3. Scroll down the list to check for your roll number and the reporting time for the interview
  4. Download the selected list and keep a print out for further reference. 

Recruitment details 

Post-wise and category wise break up of vacancies:

Post Vacancies
Principal (Group-A) 90
Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) (Group-B) 690
  English 69
  Hindi 62
  Physics 68
  Chemistry 61
  Economics 48
  Commerce 96
  Maths 73
  Biology 66
  History 38
  Geography 31
  Computer Science 78
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) (Group-B) 926
  English 90
  Hindi 116
  Social Studies 160
  Science 120
  Sanskrit 53
  Maths 126
  P&HE 67
  AE 120
  WE 74
Primary Teacher And Primary Teacher (Music) (Group B) 4499
  Primary Teacher 4348
  Primary Teacher (Music) 151

About Kendriya Vidyalayas

Keen to provide uninterrupted education to the wards of transferable Central Government employees, on the recommendations of the second Central Pay Commission, in November 1962, the Government of India (GoI) approved the scheme of Kendriya Vidyalayas (central schools). Consequently, Central School Organization was started as a unit of the Ministry of Education (now Ministry of Human Resource Development) of the GoI.

Initially, 20 regimental schools functioning at places with large concentration of defence personnel were taken over as Central Schools during the academic year 1963-64.

The KVS was registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act. (XXI of 1860) on December 15, 1965. The primary aim is to provide, establish, endow, maintain, control and manage the central schools located all over India and abroad. The GoI wholly finances KVS. It runs approximately 1141 Kendriya Vidyalayas including three abroad, five zonal institutes of education and training, and 25 regional offices spread across the country.
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