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Railways Invites Applications For Clerical Posts. Steps To Apply

The interested candidates can apply only online on the official website.

Rail Budget's 92-year-old journey set to end
Sagar Mavani
Last Updated : Dec 13 2017 | 7:05 PM IST
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has invited the candidates for Junior Clerk-cum-Typist posts for Central Railway zone through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE). The interested candidates can apply only online on the official website. There are total of 150 vacancies for different categories. Read below information for more details. The serving regular employees of Divisions/Units/Workshops/Headquarters of Central Railway, except RPF/RPSF Personnel, irrespective of the cadre in which they are working may register their applications for GDCE ONLINE within the stipulated date and time as per the instructions available on RRC/CR’s (Source:

Important Dates:

Opening Date for Online application 1-12-2017 after 1:00 pm
Closing Date for Online application 30-12-2017 till 6:00 pm

Distribution of Posts as per Community:
Unreserved (UR): 80 posts
Scheduled Caste (SC): 23 posts
Scheduled Tribe (ST): 11 posts
Other Background Classes (OBC): 36 posts

Eligibility Parameters:

Age: For UR Community, as on 1-12-2017 the candidate must be of 42 years, born on or after 1-12-1975. For OBC Community, as on 1-12-2017 the candidate must be of 45 years, born on or after 1-12-1972. For SC/ST Community, as on 1-12-2017 the candidate must be of 47 years, born on or after 1-12-1970. The Ex-servicemen may also apply for the examination if they are within the prescribed age limit.

Educational Qualification: The candidate appearing for the GDCE must have passed 12th (10+2 stage) or its equivalent examination, on the date of notification with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate with Typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English / 25 w.p.m. in Hindi. 50% marks is not to be insisted upon in case of SC/ST/Ex-servicemen. Note: w.p.m means words per minute

Zone Consideration: Only the regular serving Railway employees of Central Railway working in Level-1 are eligible to apply.

Pay Scale for Jr. Clerk-cum-Typist will be INR 19,900-63,200 in the 7th CPC.

How to Apply: As stated above, the applications will be accepted only Online.
  1. Every candidate must visit the official website for instructions on online application.
  2. You can translate the language of text into English and enter the home page of the website. Once you click on Enter you will be directed to the next page where you can find the notification as “Online Application for selection of Jr.Clerk-cum-Typist under the GDCE quota”.
  3. There will be 3 sub links - “Read the notification”, “Read and download the instructions” for filling online application and “proceed for online application”.
  4. It is advised to read the notification and the instructions carefully before applying online.
  5. Once you click on the Proceed for Online application, click on the “click here to register” link to start the registration process.
  6. Every candidate must possess his or her Aadhaar Card, as the 12 digit number will be required for registration process.
  7. Every candidate must read instructions carefully to understand which documents are compulsory to be submitted during registration.

Application Fee:
There is no application Fee for GDCE.

The process shall comprise of a Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Typing test, Document Verification and Medical Examination.
  • Standard of examination shall be like that of direct recruitment conducted by RRB. The question paper will have 100 questions, each carrying one mark and the duration of the examination will be 90 Minutes.
  • On qualifying CBT, candidates will be eligible for next stage of selection i.e. Typing Test as per their merit.
  • The selection will be made strictly as per merit in the Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Typing test. Shortlisted candidates will be called for verification of their original documents.
  • CBT will have multiple choice type questions. There shall be negative marking in CBT and 1/3 of the allotted mark shall be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • The standard of questions for the CBT will be generally in conformity with the educational standards prescribed for the post. The questions will be objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include pertaining to General awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning.
  • The date, time and venue of the CBT and typing test will be fixed by RRC/CR and will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of the CBT and typing test and change of centre/venue will not be entertained under any circumstance.
  • Probable date of CBT is March/April 2018.
  • The CBT and typing test will be conducted by RRC/CR and its date will be notified by RRC/CR in due course through Messages on mobiles, e-mails registered in the applications and on website of RRC/CR.
  • During CBT, candidates should read the instructions on the computer terminal DASH BOARD carefully and follow them scrupulously. Failure to comply with the instructions may lead to disqualification of candidates.
  • Sample mock test will be uploaded on RRC’s website well before the CBT so that the candidates become familiar with the CBT procedure.
  • The questions under CBT will be in 5 languages i.e. Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Urdu and English. The candidate will have to choose any one of these languages. In case of any discrepancy between various versions, the English version will prevail.

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