More than 3900 Qualify
On June 17, 2017 (Saturday), the Bank conducted the RBI Grade B Phase I exam at different centres across the country for the recruitment of Offers in Grade ‘B’ (General), Officers in Grade ‘B’ (Department of Economics and Policy Research-DEPR) and Officers in Grade ‘B’ (Department of Information and Statistics-DSIM). The exam’s duration was 120 minutes and included four sections: General Awareness, English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. The Bank announced the results within a week and published a list of around 3500 candidates who cracked the Phase I Online Test. The results for RBI Grade B (General) can be downloaded here, for Officers in Grade ‘B’ DEPR can be downloaded here and for Officers in Grade ‘B’ DSIM can be downloaded here.
The exam had a total of 200 marks. And for selection in Phase II, the candidate must secure the minimum cut-off in each test and on the total marks as well. The Banks will release the cut-offs in the next two weeks. The cut-off list will help the candidates their marks and category wise Phase I cut-offs.
RBI Phase II Exam
The Bank has scheduled the RBI Grade B Phase II exams (online) on July 6 and 7, 2017 (Thursday and Friday) .It will be for 300 Marks with three different sections.
Exam Paper
Economics & Social Issues
Also Read
English (Writing skills)
Descriptive to type using keyboard
Finance & Management
270 mins
Candidates appearing for the exam must know that the Phase II Online Test will be conducted in shifts. One has to appear for all the shifts because all the papers are mandatory. In Paper II (English-Writing Skills), the candidate will be required to use the keyboard in the computer itself as English paper will test his or her writing skills in provide long descriptions. For details on the same, visit the official page here.