SSC 2017: Answer Key of Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors & Asst.Sub-Inspectors

The Commission has uploaded the Final Answer Keys along with Question Paper(s) on the website of the Commission.

Sagar Mavani
Last Updated : Sep 29 2017 | 6:17 PM IST
Staff Selection Commission has declared the result of Recruitment of Sub Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Examination, 2017 (Paper-I) and also uploaded it on the website of the Commission. In order to ensure greater transparency in the Examination system and in the interest of the candidates, the Commission has uploaded the Final Answer Keys along with Question Paper(s) on the website of the Commission. (Direct link for viewing the answers) Candidates may take a print out of their respective Question Paper(s) along with Final Answer Keys. Keep in mind that this facility will be available for the candidates up to 05.00PM of 24.10.2017

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had shared the details of candidates qualified in Paper I for appearing in PET/PST Paper II for the post of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) in September 2017. The Commission conducted Computer based Examination for recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Examination, 2017(Paper-I) from 01.07.2017 to 07.07.2017. Representations received from the candidates regarding Answer Keys were carefully examined. Modified Answer Keys, wherever required, were used for evaluation.

Qualified candidates will be called for PET/PST (physical tests) to be conducted by the Nodal Force/Agency. It has been decided that Paper-II of the above Examination will be held on December 15, 2017. PET/PST is tentatively scheduled to be commenced in the month of September, 2017. Candidates are advised to follow the websites of Regional Offices of the Commission regarding issue of Admission Certificate. The category status in respect of the candidates belonging to reserve categories has been indicated along with their roll numbers. It is important for such candidates to note that they have been declared qualified only for the category mentioned against their Roll Number. If his/her actual category does not match, he/she may not be eligible to be included in the list. It is, therefore, in the interest of the candidates concerned to contact immediately the respective Regional Offices of the Commission in all such cases, if they face any such issue. Marks of the candidates will be placed on the Commission's website shortly. (Source: SSC)

About SSC and CISF
Formed in 1975, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), under the Government of India, engages in the recruitment of staff for various posts in the various Government Ministries and Departments and in Subordinate Offices. Every year the Commission conducts the SSC Combined Graduate Level exams for hiring non-gazette officers to various government jobs.
The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) came into existence in 1969 with a modest beginning, having three battalions, to provide integrated security cover to the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) which, in those years, occupied the commanding heights of the economy. In a span of four decades, the Force has grown several folds to reach one lakh forty eight thousand and three hundred seventy one personnel today. With globalization and liberalization of the economy, CISF is no longer a PSU-centric organization. Instead, it has become a premier multi-skilled security agency of the country, mandated to provide security to major critical infrastructure installations of the country in diverse areas. CISF is currently providing security cover to nuclear installations, space establishments, airports, seaports, power plants, sensitive Government buildings and ever heritage monuments.

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