SSC: Scientific Asst. (IMD) Exam Tentative Answers Keys Released

The online registration process started from July 18 and ended on August 8, 2017. Admission Certificates (ACs) for the examination were made available two weeks before the exam.

Sagar Mavani
Last Updated : Dec 08 2017 | 3:05 PM IST
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducted the examination for the candidates aspiring for the post of Scientific Assistant in the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The examination was held in November 2017 from 22nd to 25th. The online registration process started from July 18 and ended on August 8, 2017. Admission Certificates (ACs) for the examination were made available two weeks before the exam.

The official notice said The Computer Based Examination for recruitment of Scientific Assistants in India Meteorological Department was held from 22-11-2017 to 25-11-2017 at different centres all over the country. The candidates’ response sheet along with the tentative answer keys are now available on the link given below. The candidates may log-in as per the procedure mentioned in the Link provided below. Representation in respect of the tentative answer keys, if any, may be submitted on line from 06-12-2017 (5.00 PM) to 09-12-2017 (5.00 PM) on payment of Rs. 100/- per question/answer challenged. Representations received after 5.00 PM on 09-12-2017 will not be entertained under any circumstances

So the candidates’ response sheets along with the tentative answer keys are now available. The candidates can log in as per the procedure mentioned on the Commission’s official site. The exam is followed by recruitment of the suitable candidates. There are total 1102 vacancies in the Department. When asked about the same, the SSC official said ‘the number of vacancies is tentative and subject to variation’. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PH etc. categories is in accordance with the Govt. Orders. Keep in mind the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL) i.e. the candidate, on selection, may be asked to serve anywhere in the country. The examination would comprise 200 questions carrying 200 marks for two hours duration. The question paper would have two parts, Part - I & Part - II. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Part-I& II. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

How to check the Answer Keys:
  • Go to the official site of SSC
  • On the Home Page, click on “Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department Examination 2017-Uploading of Tentative Answer Keys”
  • On the Notice page, click on ‘Link for candidate’s response sheet, tentative answer keys and submission of representation’
  • On the next new page search for ‘Click Here’ to check your Answer Keys

The Commission will prepare the category-wise Merit List and hand it over to India Meteorological Department, which would declare the final result

About the IMD:

Established in 1875, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) aka Met Department, is an agency of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government of India. It is the chief agency responsible for meteorological observations, weather forecasting and seismology. IMD is headquartered in New Delhi and operates hundreds of observation stations across India and Antarctica.

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