TS SSC result 2019 | The TS SSC result 2019 or the Telangana 10th result 2019 has been announced by the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) on its official website at
bse.telangana.gov.in. The TS SSC result 2019 or the Telanagana 10th result 2019 by TSBSE will also be available on
examresults.net. The board had conducted the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination for the academic year 2018-19 from March 16 to April 2, 2019. TSBSE has confirmed the date of TS SSC result 2019.
TS SSC result 2019: Pass percentage and toppers' list The overall pass percentage in TS SSC 10th exam is 92.43 per cent. Girls have out performed boys in Telangana Board 10th result 2019. Pass percentage of girls is 93.68% while the pass percent of boys is 91.15%.
TS SSC result 2019: District-wise result
Jagtiyal district becomes highest performer like last year with 99.1% pass percentage.
Hyderabad performs worst in TS SSC result: Hyderabad pass percentage is at 88.9%.
Thus top three ranks become -
1. Jagtial
2. Sidipeta
3. Karimnagar
Here’s how to check the result of Telangana SSC or class 10th board examination:
Step 1- Log on to the official website – bse.telangana.gov.in.
Step 2- Under the ‘Student Services’ section on the left panel, click on ‘Results’.
Step 3- Click on the SSC board result link.
Step 4- Enter the required details to access your SSC scores like roll number, name, date of birth, in the space given there on the page.
Step 5- Click on the 'submit' button. A new page will appear.
Step 6- Check your score.
Step 7- Download and take the print out of TS SSC Class 10 result for future reference.
TS SSC result 2018
Last year, that is in 2018, out of 5,38,867 total students, 83.78% passed the TS SSC result 2019. The Telangana 10th exam was cleared by 85.14% girls and 82.46% boys in 2018. The State Board of Telangana, i.e. Telangana Board is divided into two sub-divisions as per the examinations they conduct. The Telangana Board of Secondary Education conducts the Telangana Board SSC exams and the Telangana Board of Intermediate Education conducts the Intermediate exams, i.e. 11th and 12th standard boards.
— 83.78% of the students declared passed
— total 2,62,479 girls appeared in the exam
— 85.14% is pass percentage of girls
About the Telangana Board
Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) regulates and supervises the system of intermediate education in Telangana. It executes and governs various activities that include devising of courses of study, prescribing syllabus, conducting examinations.