UP board result 2020: 10th result declared; link to be activated by 3:30 pm

UP board 10th result 2020 has been released on upresults.nic.in. Around 3 mn students registered for UP board Class 10 examination. How to check UP Board matric result

up board result
UP Board result 2020 released
BS Web Team New Delhi
3 min read Last Updated : Jun 27 2020 | 1:49 PM IST
UP Board 10th result 2020 declared: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has declared UP Board 10th Result 2020 on its official website upresults.nic.in. UP Board students can also check and download their Class 10 results/matric results on examresults.net, upmspresults.up.nic.in. This year, a total number of almost 3 million students appeared for the UP Board 10th examination. Dinesh Sharma, state education minister said, "While other boards could not complete exams. We have completed the exams in 15 days." He informed that the board has also started a helpline number to assist students.

Note: The UP Board website has crashed because of high traffic. Students are advised to be patient and check their UP Board result after some time. The link will again be activated at 3:30 pm

UP Board 10th result 2020: Topper

Riya Jain from Bhagpat has topped class 10 UP Board exams with 96.67% marks. Abhimanyu Verma scored the second spot with 95.53%. The third rank is obtained by Yogesh Pratap Singh with 95.33%. In 2020, 33 students have secured under the top 10 positions in 10th board exams in UP.

The deputy chief minister stated that the toppers will be awarded with a prize money of Rs 1 lakh and a laptop each.

UP Board 12th result 2020: Pass percentage

In class 10 UP Board exam, as many as 83.31 per cent of students passed the exam. This is higher than last year when 80.07 per cent students cleared the exam.

How to get marksheet

The mark sheets obtaining process to go digital this year. Students will have to register online at the website and schools will have respective ids of students. After e-verification and e-signature from the board, students to get the mark sheets from July 15. The link is likely to go live on July 1 for registration.

Click here for direct link of UP Board 10th result 2020
Steps to check UP Board Result 2020:

1. Go to the official website upresults.nic.in or and upresults.nic.in

2. Look for the link - UP Board Result 2020

3. Provide required details to get your UP Board 10th Result 2020 or UP Board Matric result

4. Download the result

Passing criteria:

A candidate has to secure a minimum of 35 per cent to pass. The board will conduct compartment exam if anyone fails in any subject.

Where to look for UP Board 10th result 2020

UP Board Result via SMS

To avail the service to receive your UPMSP 10th result directly on your phone via SMS, check with your mobile operator who will provide you with a number to send SMS. Once you enter your 10 digit roll number after typing <ABC34...>, send it to the number you've been provided. You'll receive your results shortly. Remember different mobile operators have their own numbers and procedure, so follow their instructions.

UP Board Results via Websites

Students can check their scores through the official websites. The websites are- upresults.nic.in, upmspresults.up.nic.in and results.nic.in. Private websites like examresults.net and indiaresults.com also host the results.

About UP Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP)

The UP Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad is responsible to conduct Class 10, 12 Board Examinations across Uttar Pradesh. The UPMSP successfully accomplished its job conducting both the Class 10, 12 Board Exams as per the decided schedule of the UP Board Exam.

Topics :UP Board ResultsUP board examsexam results

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