UPSC Civil Service Exam 2017: Detailed application form released

The online application form is available on the official from Aug 17 to Aug 31 till 6pm

Sagar Mavani
8 min read Last Updated : Aug 20 2019 | 7:44 PM IST
The Detailed Application Forms (DAF) for Civil Service Exam 2017 has been announced by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The candidates who cleared the prelims will have to register themselves and fill in the DAF and move on for the Main exam that will, as per the official notification, be conducted from October 28, 2017 (Saturday) to November 11, 2017 (Friday). (See the time table here). It is to be noted that the online application form is available on the official online portal from August 17 to August 31, 2017 till 6pm. Candidates must note down these dates. The qualified candidate seeking admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination must apply online through the Commission’s website ( by filling the Detailed Application Form (DAF) and uploading the scanned copies of the required document within the prescribed time limit so that DAF is submitted by the applicant on time. However, the OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates will be required to fill the OBC proforma along with the Detailed Application Form, on line.

The Commission conducts the annual Civil Service exams for the Central Government at three levels: Preliminary, Main and Interview. The Candidates passing these exams secure the highly prestigious services such as Indian Foreign Service, Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service and the like. The Civil Service exam happens annually for filling numerous vacancies in the Central government department. Roughly 980 vacancies are said to be filled through the exam this year.

Filling up Application Online: Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the DAF. Online submission of application can only be made at website Detailed instructions are available at the site. Candidate should read the instructions carefully before making any entry or selecting options. Candidate should supply all the required details while filling up the online form. Candidates may please note that changes are not allowed in the online application, once it is submitted. The filling of online application contains two parts.
  • Go to the official page of DAF: here
  • Click on the Name of Examination.
  • On the new page, provide your login ID, Password and Captcha code. If you are not registered, you won’t have these details. Create Registration account here.
  • In Part I registration, candidate will have to fill basic information. On submission of details, candidate will be prompted to check the details and make correction, if any, in the application.
  • Part-II Registration consists of filling up Payment details (except for fee exempted candidates), selection of examination centre, uploading of Photograph and Signature and agreeing to declaration. (Detailed instructions here)
Exam Centres and Overview:The Main Examination will be held at Ahmedabad, Aizawl, Allahabad, Bangaluru, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttack, Dehradun Delhi, Dispur (Guwahati), Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Raipur, Ranchi, Shillong, Shimla, Thiruvananthapuram and Vijayawada. The candidates should note that under no circumstances will they be allowed to change in centre, optional subject, Indian language paper (paper-a) and medium of examination they have indicated in their filled online CS (p) application form.
The Commission conducts the annual Civil Service exams for the Central Government at three levels: Preliminary, Main and Interview. The Candidates passing these exams secure the highly prestigious services such as Indian Foreign Service, Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service and the like. Following is the Main exam pattern

Paper Subject Marks
Paper A (One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate (from the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India) (Qualifying) 300
Paper B English (Qualifying) 300
Paper I Essay 250
Paper II General Studies I (Indian heritage and culture, history and geography of the world and society) 250
Paper III General Studies II (Governance, constitution, polity, social justice, and international relations) 250
Paper-IV General Studies III (Technology, economic development, biodiversity, environment, security and disaster management) 250
Paper V General Studies-IV(ethics, integrity, and aptitude) 250
Papers VI, VII Two papers on subjects to be selected by the candidate from the list of optional subjects below (250 marks for each paper) 500

Exam Fees:
Candidates applying (Except Female/SC/ST/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) for Civil Services (Main) Examination are required to pay a fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using Net Banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/Master/RuPay 2 Credit/Debit card.
Applicants who opt for "Pay by Cash" mode should print the system generated Pay-in-slip during filling of payment mode of Detailed Application Form and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay by Cash" mode will be deactivated on 30th August, 2017 i.e. one day before the closing date; however applicants who have generated their Pay-in-Slip before it is deactivated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date. Such applicants who are unable to pay by cash on the closing date i.e. during banking hours at SBI Branch, for reasons, whatsoever, even if holding valid pay-in-slip will have no other offline option but to opt for available Online Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking payment mode on the closing date i.e. till 1800 hours of 31st August, 2017.

How to start preparation?
Keep in mind that the Main exam has descriptive type of questions. It tests the candidate’s ability on various levels. The time limit for the essay paper is set for 3 hrs. without a word limit. However for the optional paper, there are questions having specific word limit like 250 words in optional subjects and 250 words, 150 words and 20 words in general studies. It is necessary to attempt and answer these questions quickly and effectively and in minimum words. Candidates often get confused about whether to adopt the paragraph or the point style of answering questions. It would make sense to adopt a style reliant on the question asked. If the question requires you to discuss, analyze or critically examine, it would be better to answer the question in the paragraph format. If you are required to list the advantages or give reasons for/ against etc., it makes sense to pick the point format of answering.
  • Answers should highlight the facts and concepts in an attention-grabbing way and should never read like a passage from a book.
  • Try using simple English and avoid ornate language which takes the attention away from the original facts and the opinions about a given topic.
  • Practice writing the answers as it is the best way to manage the time limit set for the exam.
  • Practice daily and try finishing your answers within the allotted time it will help you get used to the time and word limits.
  • Reading previous question papers helps to a great extent.
Excellent Performers Last Year:
Last year, a total of 11, 35,943 candidates had applied for the exams (2016-17) out of which over 4 lakh candidates appeared for the same with 15,452 qualifying for the main written exam that happened in December 2016. Out of 15,452 candidates, 2,961 qualified for Personality Test. About 15,452 candidates qualified for the main written exam that was conducted in December 2016, out of which 2,961 qualified for the Personality Test. Nandini K R a graduate of BE in Civil Engineering from the MS Ramajah Institute of Technology, Bangalore had scored highest with Kannada Literature as her optional subject. Anmol Sher Singh Bedi a BE in Computer Science from BITS Pilani stood the second followed by G Ronanki and others including 7 women and 18 men that stood in the top twenty five. The Commission had recommended a total of 1,099 candidates (846 male and 253 female) for appointment (interview) at central government organizations. The number of these candidates include 500 (General), 347 (OBC), 163 (SC) and 89 (ST). These numbers include 22 orthopedically handicapped, 7 visually challenged and 15 hearing impaired candidates.

About UPSC:
Established on 1 October 1926 as Public Service Commission, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India's prestigious central recruiting agency that conducts appointments to and examinations for All India services and group A & group B of Central services. It was known as Federal Public Service Commission by the Government of India Act, 1935 and was then renamed as today's Union Public Service Commission after the independence.

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