A special court here on Friday directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe the assets of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) president, K Chandhrasekhar Rao, his nephew and a key leader in the party, T Harish Rao, and actress-turned-politician Vijayashanti, who had recently quit the TRS and joined Congress.
The court gave the directions after hearing a petition filed by an advocate, V Balaji, who sought an investigation into the assets of the three politicians alleging that they were disproportionate to their known source of income. The court asked the CBI to file a first information report (FIR) and conduct the probe.
Incidentally, all the three are contesting in the current elections from Medak district. While the TRS president is contesting for Medak Lok Sabha and Gajwel Assembly segments, Vijayashanti is contesting for Medak Assembly seat on a Congress ticket. Harish Rao is seeking re-election from the Siddipet Assembly constituency.
The court gave the directions after hearing a petition filed by an advocate, V Balaji, who sought an investigation into the assets of the three politicians alleging that they were disproportionate to their known source of income. The court asked the CBI to file a first information report (FIR) and conduct the probe.
Incidentally, all the three are contesting in the current elections from Medak district. While the TRS president is contesting for Medak Lok Sabha and Gajwel Assembly segments, Vijayashanti is contesting for Medak Assembly seat on a Congress ticket. Harish Rao is seeking re-election from the Siddipet Assembly constituency.