Angry over distribution of ticket for Gonda parliamentary constituency in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, a group of BJP workers today burned an effigy of the party president Rajnath Singh and allegedly ransacked the party office here.
The incident took place this afternoon, when a number of BJP workers reached the party office to protest against the candidature of Kirtivardhan Singh from the Gonda Lok Sabha constituency.
"They raised slogans against the party president and burnt the effigies of both Rajnath Singh and Kritivardhan Singh. They also ransacked the party office," said Ram Iqbal Tiwari, BJP district president.
Tiwari said that he will send a report to the party leadership about the incident and would lodge an FIR against those who ransacked the party office.
He also said that, the prima facie inquiry revealed that some workers, who were sacked from the party were involved in the incident.
The incident took place this afternoon, when a number of BJP workers reached the party office to protest against the candidature of Kirtivardhan Singh from the Gonda Lok Sabha constituency.
"They raised slogans against the party president and burnt the effigies of both Rajnath Singh and Kritivardhan Singh. They also ransacked the party office," said Ram Iqbal Tiwari, BJP district president.
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The workers were alleged to be the supporters of BJP leaders Mahesh Tiwari and former MLA Ram Pratap Singh, who were vying for party ticket from Gonda constituency.
Tiwari said that he will send a report to the party leadership about the incident and would lodge an FIR against those who ransacked the party office.
He also said that, the prima facie inquiry revealed that some workers, who were sacked from the party were involved in the incident.