Taking a dig at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Monday said that the Gujarat Government will help a person if there is 'Adani' in his surname.
"If your name is Adani, then the Gujarat government will give you both land and money," said Rahul while addressing a rally here.
Alleging that the Gujarat Development Model only helps industrialists and big corporate houses, Rahul said, "Huge land was given to one businessman (Adani) whereas the farmers whose land was acquired are now working under NREGA scheme."
He reiterated that the Gujarat Chief Minister gave 45000 acres of land to Gujarat businessman Gautam Adani at the rate of one rupee.
He also claimed that economic growth and GDP growth increased during the tenure of the Congress-led UPA Government.
"UPA government made three times more roads than the BJP government. Similarly, three times more power was generated during the UPA government's tenure," he added.
He further claimed that during the BJP's rule at the centre 22000 people lost their lives due to terror activities while in the last five years only 800 people died due to terrorism.