Though the second edition of the 'chai pe charcha' held on March 8 on women's empowerment came under scanner of Election Commission of India for violation of model code of conduct, Modi will be interacting with farmers at over 1,500 location spread across 500 cities in Indian and 15 locations abroad. The Uttar Pradesh chief electoral officer had objected to free tea being served during the programme calling a breach of mode code of conduct. Following this the ECI has directed ban on free tea during the 'chai pe charcha' programme.
"Chai Pe Charcha to return with the third edition on March 20. The third edition would have Narendra Modi addressing Indian farmers and the agrarian crisis," stated the official website for the campaign.
On March 8, while speaking at the programme Modi shared glimpses of his vision for the empowerment of women both economically and socially. He said that women must be equal and integral parts of the development journey of India. He added that women must also be an integral part during decision-making process.
While launching the innovative campaign Modi likened a tea stall with that of a "footpath Parliament" and looked to connect and interact with voters. Following the launch of the campaign on February 12, Modi's 'chai pe charcha' website has seen hundreds of thousands of visitors posting queries and suggestions. Moreover, looking forward to the success of the campaign, Modi aims to interact directly with around 20 million people over a period of time under this programme.