With less than 24 hours left for polling for 39 Lok Sabha polls in Tamil Nadu, DMK today knocked on the doors of Election Commission with charges that its decision to impose prohibitory orders till tomorrow morning has paved the way for the ruling AIADMK to distribute cash and gifts with the help of officials.
DMK Treasurer M K Stalin filed a complaint with the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Praveen Kumar, marked to Chief Election Commissioner V S Sampath, alleging that AIADMK candidates were involed in distributing cash and gifts through their agents and that despite complaints local Returning Officers were not taking any action.
"In fact, police officials are hand-in-glove in perpetuating the illegal activities by letting loose the offenders even when they nab them or intimate in advance about the complaint given by us," he said, alleging Rs 3,000 cash per voter was being distributed since yesterday," it said.
"It is submitted never ever in the history of state of Tamil Nadu prohibitory orders under Sec 144 CrPC has been issued on the eve of elections. This has paved the way for the ruling AIADMK party to distribute money with the blessing of police officials.
"The entire administration is now virtually taken over by the police by way of abdication of powers of the Election Commission due to this prohibitory order," it alleged.
The move had sounded the 'death knell' to democracy, it charged, adding DMK men trying to prevent money distribution were targeted with the prohibitory orders.
"Hence the prohibitory orders have to be necessarily lifted for ensuring free and fair elections and to inspire confidence among all parties and the people," it said.
The party demanded that the prohibitory orders be lifted and EC prevent distribution of money and gifts.
Later, Stalin told reporters that AIADMK was allegedly involved in money distribution due to fear of losing.
Asked about allegations of his partymen distributing money, he said that action must be initiated if there was proof.
DMK Treasurer M K Stalin filed a complaint with the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Praveen Kumar, marked to Chief Election Commissioner V S Sampath, alleging that AIADMK candidates were involed in distributing cash and gifts through their agents and that despite complaints local Returning Officers were not taking any action.
"In fact, police officials are hand-in-glove in perpetuating the illegal activities by letting loose the offenders even when they nab them or intimate in advance about the complaint given by us," he said, alleging Rs 3,000 cash per voter was being distributed since yesterday," it said.
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The party even accused policemen and other officials of transporting money in their vehicles and even if it was brought to the notice of higher authorities, no action was being taken and there was a 'complete breakdown of the enforcement by the Election Commission,' it said.
"It is submitted never ever in the history of state of Tamil Nadu prohibitory orders under Sec 144 CrPC has been issued on the eve of elections. This has paved the way for the ruling AIADMK party to distribute money with the blessing of police officials.
"The entire administration is now virtually taken over by the police by way of abdication of powers of the Election Commission due to this prohibitory order," it alleged.
The move had sounded the 'death knell' to democracy, it charged, adding DMK men trying to prevent money distribution were targeted with the prohibitory orders.
"Hence the prohibitory orders have to be necessarily lifted for ensuring free and fair elections and to inspire confidence among all parties and the people," it said.
The party demanded that the prohibitory orders be lifted and EC prevent distribution of money and gifts.
Later, Stalin told reporters that AIADMK was allegedly involved in money distribution due to fear of losing.
Asked about allegations of his partymen distributing money, he said that action must be initiated if there was proof.