Rajeev Chandrasekhar, two-time independent Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha and a businessman, has launched a high decibel campaign in Bangalore to back NDA’s Narendra Modi for Prime Minister. At a time when many a business house and businessman support political parties surreptitiously, BJP party workers have called this a bold step taken by Chandrasekhar.
Chandrasekhar has put up close to 120 large hoardings across the city discussing various issues under which the ‘UPA government failed to deliver’. “The outdoor hoardings is for the high impact running upto the election date in Karnataka which is on April 17,” a team member of Chandrasekhar said.
“I endorse Modi as a leader who has both the ability and determination to take India out of the current morass with clear, decisive policies and governance action,” Chandrasekhar said. Explaining his endorsement, Rajeev Chandrasekhar added: “Modi is a doer, and has shown a willingness to take ownership of challenges and a commitment to governance, development and security with equal opportunities to all citizens — regardless of caste, religion or gender.“
Calling the coming elections a referendum on the performance of the UPA, Rajeev Chandrasekhar said, the almost total decline in governance standards and brazen corruption had reinforced the perception that government and politics have been captured by vested Interests. They have a diffused economic and development policy that has created structural issues worsening the situation, he said, stating: “We have a government high on hype with little or no hard work on the ground. With taxpayer moneys and assets being frittered away on whims and fancies of individuals, and wasteful programmes.”
Rajeev Chandrasekhar asserted that for too long fear and propaganda had been used to scare people away from options. Voters need to develop more than one option and make politics competitive around governance and development, he said.
Rajeev added: “One of the most important decisions we need to make in these elections is the issue of leadership. This issue of leadership is made even more significant given that in the last 10 years of the UPA rule, it was never very clear who was in charge of governing the country. Questions about who is really responsible for all the cases of government failure (including scams) remain unanswered even today.”
Chandrasekhar has put up close to 120 large hoardings across the city discussing various issues under which the ‘UPA government failed to deliver’. “The outdoor hoardings is for the high impact running upto the election date in Karnataka which is on April 17,” a team member of Chandrasekhar said.
“I endorse Modi as a leader who has both the ability and determination to take India out of the current morass with clear, decisive policies and governance action,” Chandrasekhar said. Explaining his endorsement, Rajeev Chandrasekhar added: “Modi is a doer, and has shown a willingness to take ownership of challenges and a commitment to governance, development and security with equal opportunities to all citizens — regardless of caste, religion or gender.“
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Stressing the need for a strong leader, Chandrasekhar said: “This issue of leadership is made even more significant given that in the last 10 years of the UPA rule, it was never very clear as to who was in charge of governing the country. First, for almost 60 years, and more recently, the last 10 years, we have given the Congress opportunities to govern. We deserve a new alternative, and so, let’s give NDA’s Narendra Modi an opportunity to govern for the next five years, and do so by voting for all his candidates.”
Calling the coming elections a referendum on the performance of the UPA, Rajeev Chandrasekhar said, the almost total decline in governance standards and brazen corruption had reinforced the perception that government and politics have been captured by vested Interests. They have a diffused economic and development policy that has created structural issues worsening the situation, he said, stating: “We have a government high on hype with little or no hard work on the ground. With taxpayer moneys and assets being frittered away on whims and fancies of individuals, and wasteful programmes.”
Rajeev Chandrasekhar asserted that for too long fear and propaganda had been used to scare people away from options. Voters need to develop more than one option and make politics competitive around governance and development, he said.
Rajeev added: “One of the most important decisions we need to make in these elections is the issue of leadership. This issue of leadership is made even more significant given that in the last 10 years of the UPA rule, it was never very clear who was in charge of governing the country. Questions about who is really responsible for all the cases of government failure (including scams) remain unanswered even today.”