Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from Amethi Lok Sabha seat, Smriti Irani on Tuesday alleged Kumar Vishwas as the 'B' team of the Congress and said the Aam Aadmi Party leader could say anything to remain in news.
She also alleged that if Vishwas does not know how to respect women how he would respect the people.
During an interaction with reporters during her campaign in the constituency she also attacked Congress candidate Rahul Gandhi. “Rahul has promised the people across the country to provide medical facilities,education and making women self reliant, but all these things were not visible in Amethi which lags behind in all the sectors of development", she said.
Irani will file her nomination papers on April 17, BJP spokesperson Govind Chauhan said. The actor-turned-politician expressed confidence that she will win from the Lok Sabha seat, where she is pitted against Gandhi and Vishwas.
She also alleged that if Vishwas does not know how to respect women how he would respect the people.
During an interaction with reporters during her campaign in the constituency she also attacked Congress candidate Rahul Gandhi. “Rahul has promised the people across the country to provide medical facilities,education and making women self reliant, but all these things were not visible in Amethi which lags behind in all the sectors of development", she said.
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When asked about her as an outsider of the constituency she questioned the candidature of Sonia Gandhi from Rae Bareily.
Irani will file her nomination papers on April 17, BJP spokesperson Govind Chauhan said. The actor-turned-politician expressed confidence that she will win from the Lok Sabha seat, where she is pitted against Gandhi and Vishwas.