Congratulating central police forces and state police for their work in the second phase of assembly polls, West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday said, poll percentage of over 84 per cent in this phase is commendable.
Polling was held for 30 seats, including the high- profile Nandigram constituency where Chief Minister and TMC chief Mamata Banerjee was pitted against her former lieutenant Suvendu Adhikari who has crossed over to the BJP, in the second phase of state elections on Thursday.
"Poll Percentage of over 84% in 30 ACs of phase 2 in WB and over 88% in Nandigram in phase is commendable. Excellent job #CAPF @WBPolice. Trend needs nurturing in coming phases. Appeal to all to cast vote positively as this sustains democracy. There is no room for violence," the governor tweeted.
Banerjee had dialled the governor and an Election Commission (EC) special observer from a polling booth at Boyal in Nandigram constituency on Thursday to inform them about certain poll-related issues.