Ranjitha, mother of Congress Social media head Divya Spandana, on Wednesday said that she plans to contest as an independent candidate from Mandya constituency, in the upcoming Karnataka assembly election 2018 in May.
"I did not ask Congress leadership for a ticket, it is not fair. I am planning to contest as an independent candidate, this does not mean I am against Congress as such", Ranjitha told ANI.
She further mentioned that the decision on the same will be taken next week.
"I have been an ordinary Congress grassroots worker for past many years. Till today, I am in Congress, but the contribution has not been recognised. Next week am going to take a decision".
Earlier Ranjitha said, "I want to fight from Mandya. I request the Congress high command to give me the ticket this time. If they don't, I'm even ready to try my luck as an independent candidate".
She also demanded a better position for her daughter.
Ramya won Lok Sabha by-poll from Mandya constituency in 2013. However, she lost the seat in 2014 Lok Sabha elections to JDS candidate CS Puttaraju.