Supporters of both JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad, who had gathered outside their bungalows, which are adjacent to each other on the Circular Road, were also in a state of shock. Most had expected a close contest but this was turning out to be a BJP sweep.
But the tide turned soon after, showing a clear lead for the 'Mahagatbandhan'. In the JD(U) office, it was Diwali four days in advance. Sweets were distributed and firecrackers burst. As much as 135 kg of ladoos had been ordered.
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Kumar came out to meet supporters who gave him white and red roses that the Bihar Chief Minister reportedly loves. Kumar, then drove to the RJD office, where Prasad and he embraced each other. He also cut a six-foot tall cake in the JD(U) office.
Interestingly, hoardings that announced how the state was yet again in safe hands with Kumar winning the elections came up on the streets of Bihar, while some hoardings of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah were covered.