Addressing a public rally at Vedaranyam around 360 km from Chennai, the Prime Minister said Tamil Nadu wishes to see a change from the two alternatives that have been ruling the state over the years. He also wondered why the people were not getting 24/7 electricity, and why, after years of freedom there was lack of access to clean drinking water.
He said, all over India, wherever the BJP had formed governments, people were getting basic things including water and 24-hour quality power. The focus of the party has been only on one thing and that is development.
Modi is the first Prime Minister to visit Vedaranyam after Independence. Calling the place a historic land, associated with the Vedas, the Prime Minister said: "There was also a salt Satyagraha here led by Rajaji (C Rajagoplachari, India's last Governor-General) and local fishermen and I am happy to be here."
He reiterated tha for BJP, the focus has been to build roads, schools, health facilities, it is only development.
"If Tamil Nadu has to grow, it should be run by people who are not corrupt," the Prime Minister said, adding that when the previous Government (referring to the UPA) was in power, there were so many instances of corruption. Even coal wasn't spared. Then there was 2G scam, which also had involvement of DMK leaders.
"I have come here to free Tamil Nadu people from corrupt parties," said Modi.
Addressing the rally, which was mostly attended by fishermen, the Prime Minister said the MUDRA Yojana can help so many people including fishermen. Today, five fishermen can walk together into MUDRA to get a loan to buy boats for deep fishing.
Speaking about the plight of fishermen, which is one of the foremost issues in the state, the Prime Minister claimed that he had changed the fate of five youth were sentenced to death by talking to the Sri Lankan Government. He asserted that his party would continue to safeguard fishermen.
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"The Central Government is happy when you are happy, and will share your sorrows and help you overcome them when you are sad," said the Prime Minister, adding that Sagarmala project is aimed at transforming the coasts and transforming lives of fishermen, creating good ports.
He concluded his speech asking the voters to vote for lotus (BJP's symbol) to change the fortunes and fate of Tamil Nadu.