Set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, the show is created by Martin and Ryan J Condal. The show stars Matt Smith, Olivia Cooke, Paddy Considine, Emma D’Arcy, and Steve Toussaint in lead roles among others.
House of the Dragon focuses on House Targaryen as the show will chart the Targaryen war of succession, which is also called “Dance of the Dragons”.
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The story of the House Targaryen came back to screen after three years as the finale of the Game of Thrones premiered on May 19, 2019 after running for 8 years from 2011. The show started filming in 2020 in the UK as the weekly inaugural season of House of the Dragon comprises 10 episodes.
When and where to watch House of the Dragon?
In India, users can stream the show on DisneyPlus Hotstar, every Monday at 6.30 am. The first episode of House of the Dragon premiered in India on August 22 at 6.30 am on DisneyPlus Hotstar.
The ending of Game of Thrones did not go down well with the die-hard fans of the show. Back then, the fans said that they are waiting for George RR Martin to release the last book of the series and accept that as the official ending.