The total income for the Q1 rose to Rs 1,849.63 crore from Rs 1,535.1 crore a year ago. The interest income was up 20 per cent to Rs 1,732 crore while interest costs rose at higher pace of 25.7 per cent to Rs 1,237.1 crore. As a consequence, the net interest income rose by just 9.75 per cent to Rs 495 crore.
The contingencies and provisions saw over seven-fold rise to Rs 202.24 crore for the quarter ended June 2008 as against Rs 24.5 crore in April-June 2007. The provisions shot up as bnk had to provide for mark to market loss on bonds held in trading portfolio.
The gross non-performing assets stood at Rs 938.33 crore (1.87 per cent). The net NPAs stood at Rs 371.2 crore (0.75 per cent).