Nearly 75,000 cheques worth Rs 120 crore are awaiting clearance at the two clearance houses of the State Bank of India (SBI) in the Nashik district as 720 employees and officers from the 36 SBI branches across the district went on indefinite strike from today. |
"SBI has 36 branches in the district with 720 employees and officers. Of this, nine branches and the regional office are in Nashik City with 350 employees and officers. The bank has two clearing houses in Nashik and Malegaon, where cheques from nationalised banks and financial institutions are sent for clearance. |
Around 75,000 cheques amounting to Rs 120 crore, throughout the district, were lying idle for clearance on the very first day of the strike on Monday. Of this, 35,000 cheques amounting to Rs 60 crore were from Nashik city alone," said a representative of the Nashik District SBI Officers-Employees' Association. |
Over 2.10 lakh employees and officers from more than 9,000 branches of the SBI across the country went on indefinite strike from today, demanding an increased pension at 50 per cent of the last drawn pay, commutation of pension at par with the industry, index-linked dearness allowance on pension on par with industry, family pension on par with industry, upgradation of basic pension taking into account the current index and the revision of DA formula on par with the industry. |
Speaking to the Business Standard, J K Pardeshi, member of the central executive committee of the SBI Staff Union (Mumbai Circle), said, "The last revision in family pension took place in 1987 and the employees pension was reworked in 1992. The maximum permissible basic pension to SBI employees is currently at Rs 4,250. A peaceful struggle for just revision of family pension has continued since the last 20 years. The limit of the family pension is confined to minimum Rs 300 to a maximum Rs 1,000 per month till date. Nearly 75,000 SBI pensioners have been deprived of a just and legitimate increase in pension. SBI has generated a sufficient corpus/ provision for pension amounting to Rs 8,800 crore. The government of India has only to give its statutory approval for enhancing the pension package, but it didn't." |