Deutsche Bank yesterday injected Rs 419 crore of capital into its Indian operations to fund growth. The Tier 1 capital infusion has increased the German bank's total capital funds (Tier I and Tier II) to Rs 1,251 crore from Rs 832 crore. |
The capital increase has raise the Tier I capital adequacy ratio of Deutsche Bank India to about 16 per cent and total capital ratio (Tier I and Tier II) to about 21 per cent. |
The capital injection will facilitate increase in single borrower limits and also indicates the bank's commitment to India growth strategy, said Gunit Chadha, Managing Director & CEO of Deutsche Bank India. |
Deutsche Bank recently received FIPB approval to set up a wholly owned financial holding company with $50 million capital. The holding company will consolidate several of Deutsche Bank's local operating subsidiaries. |
Deutsche Bank operates in India with a staff strength of over 500 people through its five branches in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata. |