The government has appointed Harun Rashid Khan a deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Khan, who gets a three-year term, will monitor the foreign exchange department, payment and settlement systems and external investments and operations, among others.
Khan was an executive director (ED) at RBI since October 2007. He is credited with evolving the information communication technology-based business correspondent model for financial inclusion. He chaired the RBI internal committee on rural credit and microfinance. Based on the recommendations, RBI had issued guidelines to expand banking outreach through business correspondents.
As an ED, Khan was in charge of the department of external investments and operations, the foreign exchange department and internal debt management, among others.
He joined RBI in 1978, after a Masters in political science from Utkal
University, Bhubaneswar, and an M.Phil from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi.