IBM has announced that HDFC Bank has selected it for an information management software project, which will help the bank in enhancing customer care and identify new business opportunities. The new software, developed by IBM Research Laboratory, India, will also help the bank in making full use of the customer feedback received via e-mails and phone calls from 535 branches in 300 cities. Analysing the feedback will help the bank extract business insight and respond better to customer complaints and suggestions. "Through a combination of research technology, internal development and acquisitions, IBM has put together the industry's most complete set of technologies for delivering new levels of business insight," Ponani Gopalakrishnan, director of IBM Content Discovery Solutions, said. "These offerings will enable innovative uses of content that address common challenges around finding information needed to improve customer service, address product and service issues, and identify new business opportunities," he added. According to the company, the oservices, based on IBM OmniFind Search Technology, will also provide clients with new ways to use semantics and enterprise search, and introducing software for analysing all kinds of content including text, voice, images and video.