The Kotak Mahindra group has posted a profit after tax of Rs 150 crore for the first quarter of FY09 as compared to Rs 146 crore for the corresponding period in FY08, a jump of 3 per cent. The total income has increased from Rs 1392 crore for the first quarter of FY08 to Rs 1487.2 crore for the first quarter of FY09, an increase of 7 per cent.
Kotak Mahindra Bank has posted a jump of 14 per cent in profit after tax to Rs 55 crore in the quarter ended June 30, 2008. The bank's net interest income rose by 73 per cent to Rs 352 crore in this quarter compared to the first quarter of FY08. The bank added 68 branches in the year. Deposits of the bank grew by 43 per cent to Rs 16,310 crore as on June 30, 2008 as compared to Rs 11,420 crore as on June 30, 2007.