Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will continue to actively manage liquidity to ensure inflation expectations are under control, said Rakesh Mohan,deputy governor today. |
"There has to be reasonable degree of sterilisation in order to maintain monetary growth we would like to have," Mohan said addressing an investor forum of Citigroup. |
Currently, money supply growth is 21.8 per cent against RBI's projected level of 15 per cent for 2006-07 (April-March). The focus will be on liquidity and all measures will be used to manage it, he said. Mohan said capital inflows have surged on the back of buoyant economic growth. |
"With this kind of buoyant growth and expectations of growth, flow of capital has increased tremendously," Mohan said. The huge capital inflows are adding to liquidity, he said. |
Mohan hopes India will sustain over 8 per cent in the next 10-15 years. India's GDP growth is estimated to be 9.2 per cent for 2006-07 versus 9 per cent the previous year. The central bank deputy governor said there is no change in inflation forecast for 2006-07 at 5- 5.5 per cent. |
"There is no change from whatever we said in January policy," said Mohan. Inflation has been mostly a combination of food prices and manufacturing goods prices, he said.We observed higher price increases in some of the manufactured goods that are not that easily substitutable by imports," Mohan said. |
There could be transitional problems of supply inelasticity, which may lead to overheating and which needs to be managed, Mohan said. |