Sentiment: Moderate Prices of government securities drooped as banks and mutual funds went on a selling spree. The prices of long-term securites declined by 70-80 paise, while those of medium-term papers fell by 30-40 paise. The yield on the ten-year benchmark gilt, 7.27 per cent 2013, closed at 5.14 per cent. Repo subscriptions with the RBI stood at Rs 17,000 crore. Call money rates hovered between 4.00 per cent and 4.50 per cent. Forex market Market Sentiment: Volatile The rupee ended lower at 45.63/64 per dollar before dipping to 45.66 during intraday trades. Six-month forward dollars traded at a discount on exporter selling. Outlook The rupee is expected to open between 45.59 and 45.64 against the greenback.