Sentiment: Moderate Government security prices fell as banks went on a selling spree to book quarterly profits. Prices of long-term gilts slid by 15-20 paise, while those of medium-term papers slipped by 10-15 paise. The yield on the ten-year benchmark gilt, 7.27 per cent 2013, closed between 5.17 per cent and 5.18 per cent. Call money rates hovered around 4.25 per cent. Repo subscriptions stood at Rs 25,000 crore. Forex market Market Sentiment: Moderate The rupee opened at 45.4600/4650 per dollar and closed higher at 45.5325/5400 per dollar amid heavy dollar buying by nationalised banks. Premiums on forward dollars declined on paying pressure from interbank sell-buy swaps. Outlook The rupee is expected to open around 45.5000/5400 per dollar on Wednesday.