Shonkh Technologies International today said its dealings with the erstwhile Global Trust Bank (GTB) did not invlolve any criminality on its part."The erstwhile GTB (now OBC) has already filed a suit for the recovery of the disputed amount with the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT), bangalore. The matter is sub-judice and there is no criminality involved in it," a company statement said.Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) has filed criminal complaints with CBI against Shonkh and four other companies for allegedly defrauding GTB. The complaints mentioned financial irregularities running into Rs 172 crore.The company has not yet received any notification from the concerned authorities, the Shonkh release said, adding "we are a responsible corporate and will fully co-operate with the authorities on the issue."The statement said the company had taken some financial assistance from GTB, which became a subject matter of dispute.The CBI is probing an alleged misinterpretation and diversion of GTB's funds amounting to Rs 38.49 crore by Shonkh for purposes other than for which the loan was taken.Apart from Shonkh Technologies, other companies named in OBC's complaints are Petro Energy Products Company (Pepco), Pearl Distilleries, Unitel Software and Business India Publication.