Outlook The spot rupee is expected to open in the 43.51/54 range to a dollar on Wednesday. |
Sentiment: Volatile |
The spot rupee opened at 43.41/42 but demand from importers, oil companies and dollar buying by public sector banks led to a closing of 43.53/54 to a dollar Premium on forward dollars fell due to dollar selling by exporters with six month and one year dollars closing at 0.86 per cent and 0.91 per cent, respectively. |
Money market |
Sentiment: Bullish Prices of G-sec rose across board in the wake of sufficient liquidity and no negative triggers Prices in the long-term papers went up by 40-45 paise while the short- and medium-term prices moved up by 25/30 paise The 10-year paper 7.38 per cent 2015 closed at 6.97 per cent as against yesterday's close of 7.02 per cent Call rates fell as low as 1/1.5 per cent amidst reverse repo bids of Rs 44,000 crore Deals to the tune of Rs 900 crore as against only Rs 19 crore dealt on the NSE WDM segment |