The rupee fell to a one-month low on Friday, extending losses for a third consecutive session, as the dollar strengthened against emerging Asian currencies and as a bout of risk aversion hit local stocks.
The partially convertible currency fell to as much as 62.53 to a dollar, a level last seen on December 4, as against Thursday's close of 62.26/27. It was last trading at 62.51/52.
Local shares were down 0.6%, after falling the most in six weeks on Thursday.
Asian currencies were largely weaker, with the Philippine peso at a four-month low.
The partially convertible currency fell to as much as 62.53 to a dollar, a level last seen on December 4, as against Thursday's close of 62.26/27. It was last trading at 62.51/52.
Local shares were down 0.6%, after falling the most in six weeks on Thursday.
Asian currencies were largely weaker, with the Philippine peso at a four-month low.