The rupee posted its best single-day gain in two weeks on Thursday, boosted by hopes of a package from the government and the Reserve Bank of India over the weekend which would help bring in needed dollar inflows to fund the current account gap. The partially convertible rupee closed at 60.86/87 a dollar, compared to 61.30/31 on Wednesday.
Bonds rise
Government securities (G-sec) rose on good buying support from banks and companies, The 7.16 per cent G-Sec maturing in 2023 rose to Rs 93.56, while its yield eased to 8.12 per cent.
Call rate ends lower
Call money rates ended lower at the overnight market due to lack of demand from borrowing banks.The rates settled lower, at 10 per cent.
Bonds rise
Government securities (G-sec) rose on good buying support from banks and companies, The 7.16 per cent G-Sec maturing in 2023 rose to Rs 93.56, while its yield eased to 8.12 per cent.
Call rate ends lower
Call money rates ended lower at the overnight market due to lack of demand from borrowing banks.The rates settled lower, at 10 per cent.