State Bank of India (SBI), the biggest Indian bank, today named three new deputy managing directors (DMD) to fill vacancies. These appointments will take the total number of DMDs with SBI to seven.Bharti Rao, hitherto chief general manager (CGM) in charge of foreign offices, has been appointed as the DMD of international banking group.V K Gupta will take over as DMD and will be the chief credit officer. He was till now CGM - mid-corporates. The third CGM to be promoted is K Sitaraman as DMD-information technology. He was CGM of Hyderabad circle prior to being promoted as DMD. The interviews for appointment of DMD were conducted over the last weekend.SBI is still to fill the vacancy created with the retirement of Ashok Kini, managing director in-charge of corporate banking. T S Bhattacharya, managing director - national banking, is holding additional charge of corporate banking.The other SBI DMDs are S K Hariharan (associates and subsidiaries), A K Sharma (chief financial officer), P K Mitra (inspection and audit) and Abhijit Datta (chief development officer). SBI chairman A K Purwar is retiring at the end of May 2006.