The State Bank of India (SBI) announced results of Probationary Officers (PO) preliminary exam on July 17, 2016. Candidates securing marks above prescribed cut-offs by the bank are eligible for main examination. The call letter / admit card for all successful candidates to appear for main test is scheduled to be available on July 20, 2016. The main exam would be conducted on July 31, 2016.
The state-owned bank had earlier invited applications from interested, eligible candidates for recruitment to 2200 posts of PO along with 168 backlog vacancies (CRPD/PO/2016-17/02).
The preliminary exam was held in first and second week of this month, i.e. July 2, 3, 9 and 10. The test was conducted in all scheduled locations, except Srinagar (city) centre. The results were slated for July 18, 2016. However, prelims results were announced one day ahead of the schedule, on July 17, 2016.
Preliminary results
The result of SBI PO 2016 preliminary exam (phase-I) has been announced only for those candidates who have scored the qualifying marks in the online exam, conducted to judge them on English language, quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability. Only those aspirants who qualify the SBI PO 2016 preliminary exam will be allowed to appearing for the SBI PO 2016 main exam.
The approach to check the result on the official website is a bit tricky. Candidates can log on to the website and click on the career tab. There are two ways to check the score card either by providing roll number or by registration number.
To check the preliminary examination results:
1. Log on to the careers page
2. Click on the latest announcement scroll
3. Scroll and click on SBI PO prelims result 2016
4. Enter either roll number or SBI PO 2016 registration number, and date of birth
5. Click on the submit button
6. Take print out of the score card for future reference
Supplementary preliminary examination
SBI’s Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) has decided to conduct a supplementary preliminary examination for candidates from Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) who could not appear in examination conducted on July 9, 2016 in Srinagar city due to disturbed law and order situation. According to the advertisement CRPD/PO/2016-17/02 issued the examination will be conducted on July 23, 2016 at ION Digital Zone, IDZ Kaluchak, Baldev Infotech Systems, Deeli Morh-Langar, Opposite SBI Kaluchak, Jammu – 180010. The call letters can be downloaded from SBI’s official website. Reporting time at venue will be 9:00am.
Candidates can check their results for preliminary exams and download the call letter for the Main Examination, if qualified, on July 26, 2016 to appear in the main examination scheduled for the July 31, 2016.
SBI PO main exam
The examination authority has reportedly shortlisted about 48,000 candidates for the mains exam scheduled, based on SBI PO result 2016 for preliminary. The results for the mains will be declared on August 16, 2016. The admit card of SBI PO Mains 2016 (phase II) was scheduled to be available for download from July 21, 2016, but it is likely to be available one day in advance.
SBI will not be issuing any hard copies of the admit cards. All candidates are required to print a copy of the admit card and carry it to their examination hall along with an ID proof. Without the admit card, the candidates will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
The aspirants to be selected for the next round, group discussion (GD) and interview (phase III) will have obtain the set cut-off marks in each subject – English language, general awareness, marketing and computers, test of data analysis & interpretation and reasoning. Candidates must score a minimum percentage marks as decided by bank to qualify the SBI PO 216 mains exam. For SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XS candidates, 5% relaxation of marks will be applicable while determining the qualifying marks. According to reports, the bank decides the minimum percentage marks on aggregate on the basis of the number of candidates appearing in the online exam and difficulty level of the paper.
Interview and group discussion
Aggregate marks of candidates, who qualify in both objective tests and descriptive test (30-minute English language test), are in descending order in each category. The SBI will then decide the qualifying marks for phase III.
Candidates qualifying SBI PO 2016 mains exam will be called for GD (20 marks) and personal interview (30 marks) round, scheduled for September 1, 2016. Candidates will be selected according to their rank in the merit list in the ratio of maximum three candidates per vacancy.
The SBI will upload the interview call letters on the official website after announcement of SBI PO 2016 result. The interview letter includes date, time and venue of SBI PO 2016 interview.
The examination authority will consider only the marks obtained in SBI 2016 main examination (both in objective test and descriptive test) will be added to the marks obtained in GD and interview for preparation of the SBI PO 2016 final result. As per official sources, marks scored in the preliminary examination will not be considered during the preparation of final merit list for the shortlisting of candidates for PO posts. The final result will be declared on September 30, 2016.