The SBI Officers Association and SBI Staff Association has declared a country-wide strike at State Bank of India on December 6 and 7 followed by an indefinite strike from December 27. |
SBI on an all India basis processes 18-20 lakh cheques every day worth around Rs 30,000 crore. |
A day's closure of SBI leads to straight away loss of business to the same extent and interest on the same. The bank would also lose on dealings like securities dealing as well as earnings from call money market investments. |
Treasury was another major segment which gets hit every time the bank remains closed. |
In the festive season, the bank had declared as many as 18 holidays between October 21 to December 7. Strikes will add to the number of closed days. |
Loss of business would therefore rise. The Joint Committee of Officers and Staff Federation at SBI said they decided to intensify their agitation against alleged management moves like, attack on trade rights and unilateral management action. |
The body would like restoration of bilateral decision making system on issues like shifting of regional headquarters, closing and merger of branches, and outsourcing of regular jobs. |
The body demanded appointment on compassionate ground, revision of the superannuation scheme, and reduction on interest on staff loans. |
Ashok Dutta, convenor, Bengal circle, SBI Staff Association, said, "The current understanding between Corporate Centres and both Federations are that the Circle Management's will hold tripartite discussions and work out the viability of loss making branches before initiating any steps for closure and merger of branches. The circle are now proceeding independently on the directive of the corporate centre." |