While total income for the three-month period was recorded at Rs 1061.02 crore, as against Rs 906.95 crore at the end of Q4 during the last fiscal, profit before tax during the period was recorded at Rs 254.90 crore, compared with the figure of Rs 166.24 crore posted during the fourth quarter of the previous fiscal.
The bank, which announced its annual results here, said it posted an annual growth of 18.34 per cent in its net profit by recording Rs 386.11 crore for the year ended March 31, 2008 as against Rs 326.28 crore during the previous year.
M Ramaswamy, managing director-in-charge, SBT, said the total business of the bank increased by Rs 7876.61 crore, helping it cross Rs 63,000 crore during the year. At the end of the year, total business of the bank stood at Rs 63,490.51 crore.