The total business of the bank increased by Rs 4,679 crore from Rs 21,343 crore to Rs 26,022 crore on year-to-year basis registering a growth of Rs 21.92 per cent.
While the deposits had gone up by Rs 2,544 crore from Rs 12,834 crore to Rs 15,378 crore registering a growth of 19.82 per cent, the advances increased by Rs 2,134 crore from Rs 8,509 crore to Rs 10,643 crore registering a growth of 25.08 per cent. The bank earned a total income of Rs 405.89 crore during the quarter as against Rs 321.97 crore for the previous year registering a growth of 26.06 per cent, an SIB press release said here today.
The Capital adequacy ratio of the bank is as high as 13.93 per cent against the regulatory requirement of nine per cent. During the quarter, the Book value per share has increased from Rs 107.01 to Rs 132.70.
The Board of Directors of the bank had recommended a dividend of 30 per cent for 2007-08, which was the highest in the bank's history.
The Board also recommended issue of bonus shares to the shareholders, who hold shares in the bank as on the record date to be fixed later, in the ratio of 1:4 subject to approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on August 18, the release said.