@harrykkrish Let's see how an Engineer turned Economist holding goldmedals from IIT, IIM change the fate of Indian rupee. New Rbi gov #RaghuramRajan.
@piyushtweet Hope he has a magic wand, Abra Ka Dabra...
@abhishekdikshit Raghuram Rajan, 'rockstar' economist, takes over as RBI hot seat.
Also Read
@sidin Raghuram Rajan RT @Dorkstar: @sidin Because of his good looks, rupee is getting weaker at the knees.
@BuzzDrivers Crises are collateral damage in the political war. In Faultlines, Raghuram Rajan says "Almost every financial crisis has political roots.."
@sidin Raghuram Rajan tenure prediction: Six months of jhakkas, six months of apologising for jhakkas. Two years of low profile and then katlo.
@ajit_ranade Both Subbarao and Raghuram Rajan have received the Distinguished Alumnus award from IIT.