Yogesh Agarwal, deputy managing director (DMD) and chief financial officer of State Bank of India (SBI), is expected to head State Bank of Patiala. |
In a parallel development, Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, head of State Bank of Indore, is expected to take over as the managing director at SBI. |
Agarwal's appointment orders are awaited while A K Sharma has been appointed DMD and CFO. Sharma was earlier chief general manager, Ahmedabad. |
Tara Shankar Bhattarcharya will be taking over as the managing director at SBI when Chandan Bhattacharya retires in February. Bhattarcharya is currently heading State Bank of Indore. |
State Bank of India (SBI) has recently had a round of promotions. The bank promoted six chief general managers (CGM) to the level of deputy managing directors (DMD). |
The new DMDs will fill in the vacancies in SBI and in the associate banks. The new DMDs at SBI include Prabhal Kumar Mitra (CGM Bangalore) who now occupies the post of DMD inspection management and audit to replace R K Sinha who retired in November and Abhijit Dutta promoted to DMD & corporate development officer in the place of Santhana Krishnan who retired and joined the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. |
The other new DMDs are Ashwini Kumar Sharma (earlier CGM Ahmedabad), S K Bhattacharya (CGM Hyderabad), C Narasimhan (CGM Kerala) and Om Prakash Bhatt (CGM North East). |
SBI has a total workforce of 2 lakh people of which 59,700 are officers on various scales. |